Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I took Mariah and Taylor to the Miley Cyrus Concert tonite and it was super fun! When I say I took them I mean Tony paid for it! LOL We left a little bit after school and went to Noodles n Company to eat dinner and then took off for Salt Lake City. The Concert was at the Delta Center we got there in good time and didn't have to park to far. I bought (Tony paid for) t-shirts and concert programs for the girls. We had good seats in the lower bowl and the Concert was awesome! Miley was sick with the flu and they had to stop the concert at one point right after it started to let her rest but after that she was out there rocking the house! There was not one empty seat in the whole place! She showed a clip of her new movie and she even got on a bike and went up in the air it was great! I had a blast with Taylor and Mariah and they loved it! Thanks for looking-kimber
Monday, September 28, 2009
Homecoming 2009
These are the pictures we took of Shae with her homecoming date! She had a great time and she looked great! It was a little sad her mom was out of town so she didn't get to see her in person so we took tons of pictures. This is the last Homecoming she will go to cause she is a senior this year. I hope you enjoy looking at the pics! kimber
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Back to School Time at the Stoddard Home!
Well Sorry it has taken me so long to post this but with school and life I have just been soo busy! As you can see my kids are getting big! And we will have so many changes in our home this next year, Shae will graduate from High School, Taylor and Austin will both be driving, Trevor will go to high school next year, Teran will be in 9th grade and Mariah will go into 6th. It seems like yesterday that I was standing in Taylor's 1st grade class crying cause she was a big kid and now I have 6 kids and they all seem to be growing up so fast! I wish I could freeze time and make them stay little but I know that is not how life works! I feel like by the end of this school year all of our lives will change forever with Shae graduating and going to college our family will never be the same again. It is exciting and sad all at the same time. I look around at all my friends who all have little kids and wish for that time back, so to all of my friends treasure each moment you have cause it goes by sooo fast and in the end they all grow up to be teenagers! lol
Friday, July 17, 2009
We R Busy at the STODDARD HOUSE!!!
Just thought I would show you what we have been doing most of the summer! This is the summer of the yard and getting it in shape. The pics of the curbing being done was really done last summer but everything else you see is of this summer. Tony says I am the slave master cause this is all I talk about is when are more rocks bieng delivered, when are we buying more bushes, when are we buying more stones, and when are we finishing the pond! I just want everything done by winter so next summer we can move on to something else like I don't know a kitchen remodel!!! I know none of you have heard me talk about that! lol I have been really a slacker about blogging this summer and hopefully I will get back on the band wagon and get things coming I will keep you posted as we progress with the front and back yard! Thanks for looking!
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Sealing" the Deal!
What a great day! It was a loooong time coming! We got luckly and got sealed on the only saturday in March that it was actually sunny and semi-warm weather! I just wanted to say thanks to all of our family and friends who traveled so far to be with us that day. Some of them came long distances like Amber & Jeff - Thanks for keeping your promoise to be with us it means so much to us that you came! You really find out who your true friends are when you ask them to come be with you when you get sealed and then tell them you are doing it in Manti three hours away! Thanks for giving up time with your family and a whole saturday to be with our family! This is a day that our family will never forget! I just would like to share a little side note about the day - When we got to the temple and were done with photos and went in to fill out paperwork and such they took Tony and I to different rooms for a little bit while I was sitting in the room by meself I said a little prayer about how greatful I was that we had finally made it here- then I said to myself how I wished Brittany was here with me to help me get dressed and such but I knew that I would not see her until we were in the sealing room and it made me kind of sad. Just then they brought Tony in the room I was in and started to take us to the dressing rooms just as they opened the door there stood Jeremy & Brittany Strong! The escort asked me is she your friend? I said YES! she is! Then the escort said then she can come with you and help you! Heavenly Father answers prayers even if it is just for your friend to be with you. Brittany got to help me get dressed and stay with me until it was time to go meet back with Tony - I don't know if she realizes how much that meant to me to have her there with me and how special it was to me to have my dear friend with me to help me during such a special and sacred time. Thanks for being such a good friend to me Brittany you tell it to me like it is when I am out of line without being judgemental and mean and you back me up when you think I am in the right! You and Jeremy have become our best friends and we love being with your family and I look forward to many more years of friendship and putting up with our "crazy" husbands! LOL I just wanted to share that little story with everyone and to once again tell everyone how grateful we are to have such great friends and family that support us!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Draper Temple

So we went to the Draper Temple this last Friday with our whole family. It was a great experience to have with the whole family. I was a little concerned cause I had heard conflicting reports to how long we would have to wait in line, and our time wasn't until 7:40pm on Friday nite. When we got down there we got great parking at the church and walked right in to the gym and sat down once there we realized we had sat in the line that had already seen the video but we decided not to move cause we all knew why we had temples and what they are for. We only waited for 10 mins and then we got loaded on a bus. Once at the temple we walked right up and into the temple there was no waiting! It was great to be able to walk through and answer questions that the kids had. The highlight moment for me and for anyone else who has gone of course was to be able to stand in the celestial room with our whole family.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
So Brittany Strong had her baby boy Porter Beck Strong
Monday Feburary 2nd @ 5:58pm
He weighted 6lbs. 14 oz He was 20 inches long
We all waited all day for him to come! Brittany's doctor told her she would most likely deliver faster the 2nd time around. That turned out NOT to be correct! Poor thing was in labor since 9:30am that morning. Jeremy kept texting all day to keep me informed of the progress. Then he called us soon after he was born to tell us all was good and to hurry to the hospital to check the new member of the family! We were the 2nd ones on the scene at the hospital then we waited our turn after all the grandparents check out the new addition. Porter was well worth the wait! He is a very cute baby! We went up again on Tuesday to bring them dinner and to get in some more "porter time" at the hospital! Congrats Brittany! we sure are happy for you!
Here are some cute pics I took at the hospital! Enjoy!
Monday Feburary 2nd @ 5:58pm
He weighted 6lbs. 14 oz He was 20 inches long
We all waited all day for him to come! Brittany's doctor told her she would most likely deliver faster the 2nd time around. That turned out NOT to be correct! Poor thing was in labor since 9:30am that morning. Jeremy kept texting all day to keep me informed of the progress. Then he called us soon after he was born to tell us all was good and to hurry to the hospital to check the new member of the family! We were the 2nd ones on the scene at the hospital then we waited our turn after all the grandparents check out the new addition. Porter was well worth the wait! He is a very cute baby! We went up again on Tuesday to bring them dinner and to get in some more "porter time" at the hospital! Congrats Brittany! we sure are happy for you!
Here are some cute pics I took at the hospital! Enjoy!
Monday, February 2, 2009
It's all about GAME DAY!!!

It is all about GAME DAY for me!!! I love football but why wouldn't I - I grew up in Texas where to us football is a religion! My favorite team of course is the "Dallas Cowboys" but in general I just love football and can remember from a early age watching football with my dad since my brothers didn't come along for another 10 years after me I was the one that watched football and pro wrestling - yeah I know you are like what? wrestling? kimber? but I have to admit that I loved it watching wrestling with my dad on Saturday nites was like our date nite my mom of course wanted no part of it which was fine with us we didn't want her there spoiling our fun! So back to football did I tell you yet how much I love it? I think everyone should have a "team" I don't understand it when people don't it makes no since to me. Only some of my family members have "teams" which bothers me a great deal! lol Taylor and Trevor are true blue Denver Bronco fans (that is their dads favorite team) but they do say Cowboys are their 2ND favorite. For me there has never been any other team than the Cowboys! So for me the Superbowl is just as big as any other major Holiday. This year was no exception I planned the menu and organized the friends and made the plans- if you haven't clued in to the fact yet that I am OCD this next part will let you know for sure. I went to Target in Layton cause I had seen that they had really cute Superbowl plates and cups for the big day then when I got there they only had some of the stuff I was looking for -they where out of the big football plates so I asked someone to help me and they looked on the computer and told me the next target that had the plates I was looking for was in West Jordan. So have you guessed what I did? If you said I drove to West Jordan you are correct! LOL yes I drove to West Jordan for paper plates! but they looked like footballs! I also got napkins, table cloth and the best thing was the "air horn"!!
The Cooks were great to let us have it at their house and the Strong's along with Brooke and Mark came to join in the fun. If some of you noticed I left church early to get to home change and help Mike and Tina with any last min. details. We had a blast none of our teams where playing but we were all cheering for Arizona we had to at least cheer for the NFC! It was a great game and I had fun using the air horn every time there was a touchdown! It was a great game and had tons of fun with good friends I hope you enjoy the slide show!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What does make a good teacher? We all have our own ideas and answer to this question. I can tell you what I think about subject. Teachers come in all shapes and sizes some are mean and strict some are layed back and nice some are even strict and nice. My kids have had all types Some I have loved and known that they have loved my kids some I will be honest I have hated right along with my kids. Mostly my kids have had good teachers - you have more one on one contact with them when your kids are little not so much as they get older. You may be asking what is Kimber going on and on about? Well all my kids go to Syracuse Jr. High ok not all of them but 4 out of 6 of them. Now mostly we have had good luck with teachers but poor Taylor has had some bad luck 1st she gets stuck last year with the WORST SPANISH TEACHER EVER! MS. CANNELL and we all suffer through her class last year but then yet again we get stuck with her AGAIN! Now I thought maybe some of it was in Taylor's head about how she was but then I had to meet her once and then I understood what Taylor was talking about. Even though we didn't like her last year Taylor came out on top in the class this year has been more of a struggle not that Taylor has had trouble in Spanish 2 most days but she just doesn't like Taylor or any of her friends. At the end of the term I kept watching her grade and it just kept getting worse not understanding it -cause when I looked at the scores online they where all in the A range so why such a poor grade? When I emailed her teacher she informs me that Taylor was either late or absent from her class or talking so she deducts from her participation grade so that is why she had a low grade! Are you kidding me? So my kid is late or absent so we are going to give her a low grade? I can understand the talking but not really -- talking should go toward citizenship - (which i think that is a total joke also - i could careless if my kid is late to class) but anyway Ms. Cannell and I went round and round on this matter - then I find out the other girl who was talking has a higher p. grade than Taylor even though they where both talking - so we go round and round again -- She emailed me at one point and said"why didn't you email me back" i responded by saying "Cause I don't agree with how you grade it is stupid- she has a "A" in your class but because she has been late 3 times and absent 2 times you are wanting to give her a "D"!
Don't get me wrong I don't think Taylor is perfect or any of my kids but I do think calling a spade a spade- I will go to bat for my kids if I think they are getting taken and Ms. Cannell was totally taking Taylor why because she is popular and likes to talk sometimes? Because she is not a nerd? I know how that sounds but I do mean it in a nice way - Plus Ms. Cannell has them do the stupidest assignments I have ever seen she had the kids take pictures of themselves stuffing grapes in their months and then bring the pics to her! What purpose does that serve? What does that have to do with teaching my kid Spanish 2? I tried to get her out of Cannells class for this next term but then she would have been in a class with over 40 students so Taylor just decided to suffer through again. All I have to say is Taylor's report card came out and she ended up with a B+ so I can live with that even though I think she should have got an "A" Even Stoddard was up in arms over this whole thing and for him to get involved you know she was whacked! All I can say is if anyone has any kids that go to Syracuse Jr. don't take Spanish from Ms. Cannell SHE IS THE WORST SPANISH TEACHER EVER!!
Don't get me wrong I don't think Taylor is perfect or any of my kids but I do think calling a spade a spade- I will go to bat for my kids if I think they are getting taken and Ms. Cannell was totally taking Taylor why because she is popular and likes to talk sometimes? Because she is not a nerd? I know how that sounds but I do mean it in a nice way - Plus Ms. Cannell has them do the stupidest assignments I have ever seen she had the kids take pictures of themselves stuffing grapes in their months and then bring the pics to her! What purpose does that serve? What does that have to do with teaching my kid Spanish 2? I tried to get her out of Cannells class for this next term but then she would have been in a class with over 40 students so Taylor just decided to suffer through again. All I have to say is Taylor's report card came out and she ended up with a B+ so I can live with that even though I think she should have got an "A" Even Stoddard was up in arms over this whole thing and for him to get involved you know she was whacked! All I can say is if anyone has any kids that go to Syracuse Jr. don't take Spanish from Ms. Cannell SHE IS THE WORST SPANISH TEACHER EVER!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
120 Things...
120 Things about me -- I saw this on someones blog in my ward and thought it was cute i just changed it a bit! Hope you enjoy reading
*1 My family is always my #1 priority
*2 Tony is my prince charming
*3 I love referring to him as "COWBOY" and "STODDARD"
*4 I love to scrapbook
*5 I wish I made more time to scrapbook
*6 I wish my kids were little again
*7 I am glad that my kids can mostly take care of themselves
*8 I am very OCD
*9 It doesn't bother me that I am OCD
*10 I have to have my life planned out
*11 I don't do good with "winging it"
*12 I love that I have a DVR
*13 I love watching mindless TV
*14 I am ok with just being me
*15 I need to go to the temple more
*16 I like spring and summer
*17 I hate the winter
*18 I hate snow
*19 I really think that I am a princess
*20 In my next life I want to come back as someone famous
*21 I wish I could sing
*22 I am glad that we have 6 kids
*23 I love the loudness of having 6 kids
*24 I wish my dad was still alive
*25 I miss my dad everyday
*26 I am very inpatient
*27 My husband has spoiled me and I love that he does
*28 I love the fact that I am spoiled
*29 I know that my Savior lives
*28 I hated when the ward spilt
*29 There are still days that I wish I was in the 16th ward
*30 I really do like our ward
*31 Not everyone is your friend
*32 Always be careful who you choose as friends
*33 Most days I don't mind working for my husband
*34 I love my dog zoie
*35 I hate Tony's dogs
*36 I love the fact that we go on dates every Friday Nite
*37 I love the Dallas Cowboys!
*38 I can't wait til Superbowl Sunday!
*39 I wish some days that we had more kids
*40 Most days I am glad I don't have more kids
*41 I wish I could still talk to my grandparents
*42 I know The Book of Mormon is True
*43 I love that "Stoddard" is a good example
*44 I love that things matter to "Stoddard"
*45 I wish I was more talented like Katie McNeil
*46 True Friends are hard to find
*47 Not all friends are true friends
*48 I can't wait till Taylor can drive
*49 I wish Taylor was 3 again
*50 I hate all my bathrooms in my house
*51 I want to own another horse someday
*52 I love that Tony surprises me all the time
*53 I wish I had met Tony when I was 18
*54 I hope to go on a great vacation soon like Hawaii
*55 I really do believe that Disneyland is "The Most Magical Place On Earth"
*56 I want to go to Disneyland again
*57 I surprised myself and really did like Twilight
*58 I wished I blogged more
*59 I can put on a tough face but I really do get hurt by others
*60 I don't care most of the time want people think
*61 I do care what "Stoddard" and my friends think
*62 Santa is real his name is "Tony"
*63 Christmas is my favorite Holiday
*64 I love that my birthday is in the summer
*65 I want to go on vacation with just my girlfriends
*66 I want to learn to garden better
*67 Chocolate Chip ice cream will always be my fav.
*68 I miss drinking Diet Pepsi
*69 I love that my kids talk to me and tell me all their secerets
*70 I am glad that our fence is done
*71 I always have a list of things that I want done to my house
*72 I have learned not to stereo type people - cause you are usually wrong
*74 First Impressions are not always the best
*75 People I thought I would never be friends with have become good friends
*76 People I thought were friends ended up not being who I thought they were
*77 I learned to VAULT!
*78 I learned the hard way that I give my trust to people to easy
*79 I learned to make people earn my trust
*80 I love that we are great friends with the Strongs
*81 I love that my husband likes to go to church
*82 Some days I wish I could have a do over on my life
*83 I wish my hair was a lot longer
*84 I thought I would hate not being in Primary but I really love being in RS
*85I learned that your true friends forgive you easily and others do not
*86 I wish more of my friends scrap booked
*87 I love that I own a Pink 4-wheeler and that my husband bought it for me
*88 My favorite color will always be pink
*89 I hate putting gas in my car
*90 I love going to Walmart
*91 I love to read church books
*92 Sometimes I think blogs cause problems when people vent instead of talk face to face
*93 Most of the time I love reading my friends blogs
*94 I don't like my space or face book that is why I don't have one
*95 I wish I could keep my car clean
*96 I really don't like to fly that much
*97 I am glad my brother came home from Iraq for the second time alive
*98 I pray for my family everyday
*99 I love my family very much
*100 I love chocolate
*101 I love that I was able to find my Happily Ever After!
*102 Just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean they like you
*103 Just because you are nice to people doesn't mean they will be nice back
*104 I think I am a really good friend to those who I trust
*105 I am who I am you either love me or you don't and most days i don't care which
*106 I love to eat Sushi with "Stoddard" and good friends
*107 I love to go to Tepanyaki and Timbermine and I really don't care how much it cost
*108 I am a daughter of God
*109 I am always impressed how much better my children are than me
*110 Swearing is easy to do but harder to quit
*111 Nothing worth having is easy
*112 You need to be prepared - need I say more
*113 I don't hide my feelings well
*114 I talk a lot and I don't care that I do
*115 My favorite movie is and will always be Gone with the Wind
*116 Only "Stoddard" knows my true feelings about anything
*117 Somedays I wish I never had to leave my house
*118 The Gospel is always true no matter what
*119 I am glad that I have the family that I have
*120 I am not perfect and those who love me don't care
*1 My family is always my #1 priority
*2 Tony is my prince charming
*3 I love referring to him as "COWBOY" and "STODDARD"
*4 I love to scrapbook
*5 I wish I made more time to scrapbook
*6 I wish my kids were little again
*7 I am glad that my kids can mostly take care of themselves
*8 I am very OCD
*9 It doesn't bother me that I am OCD
*10 I have to have my life planned out
*11 I don't do good with "winging it"
*12 I love that I have a DVR
*13 I love watching mindless TV
*14 I am ok with just being me
*15 I need to go to the temple more
*16 I like spring and summer
*17 I hate the winter
*18 I hate snow
*19 I really think that I am a princess
*20 In my next life I want to come back as someone famous
*21 I wish I could sing
*22 I am glad that we have 6 kids
*23 I love the loudness of having 6 kids
*24 I wish my dad was still alive
*25 I miss my dad everyday
*26 I am very inpatient
*27 My husband has spoiled me and I love that he does
*28 I love the fact that I am spoiled
*29 I know that my Savior lives
*28 I hated when the ward spilt
*29 There are still days that I wish I was in the 16th ward
*30 I really do like our ward
*31 Not everyone is your friend
*32 Always be careful who you choose as friends
*33 Most days I don't mind working for my husband
*34 I love my dog zoie
*35 I hate Tony's dogs
*36 I love the fact that we go on dates every Friday Nite
*37 I love the Dallas Cowboys!
*38 I can't wait til Superbowl Sunday!
*39 I wish some days that we had more kids
*40 Most days I am glad I don't have more kids
*41 I wish I could still talk to my grandparents
*42 I know The Book of Mormon is True
*43 I love that "Stoddard" is a good example
*44 I love that things matter to "Stoddard"
*45 I wish I was more talented like Katie McNeil
*46 True Friends are hard to find
*47 Not all friends are true friends
*48 I can't wait till Taylor can drive
*49 I wish Taylor was 3 again
*50 I hate all my bathrooms in my house
*51 I want to own another horse someday
*52 I love that Tony surprises me all the time
*53 I wish I had met Tony when I was 18
*54 I hope to go on a great vacation soon like Hawaii
*55 I really do believe that Disneyland is "The Most Magical Place On Earth"
*56 I want to go to Disneyland again
*57 I surprised myself and really did like Twilight
*58 I wished I blogged more
*59 I can put on a tough face but I really do get hurt by others
*60 I don't care most of the time want people think
*61 I do care what "Stoddard" and my friends think
*62 Santa is real his name is "Tony"
*63 Christmas is my favorite Holiday
*64 I love that my birthday is in the summer
*65 I want to go on vacation with just my girlfriends
*66 I want to learn to garden better
*67 Chocolate Chip ice cream will always be my fav.
*68 I miss drinking Diet Pepsi
*69 I love that my kids talk to me and tell me all their secerets
*70 I am glad that our fence is done
*71 I always have a list of things that I want done to my house
*72 I have learned not to stereo type people - cause you are usually wrong
*74 First Impressions are not always the best
*75 People I thought I would never be friends with have become good friends
*76 People I thought were friends ended up not being who I thought they were
*77 I learned to VAULT!
*78 I learned the hard way that I give my trust to people to easy
*79 I learned to make people earn my trust
*80 I love that we are great friends with the Strongs
*81 I love that my husband likes to go to church
*82 Some days I wish I could have a do over on my life
*83 I wish my hair was a lot longer
*84 I thought I would hate not being in Primary but I really love being in RS
*85I learned that your true friends forgive you easily and others do not
*86 I wish more of my friends scrap booked
*87 I love that I own a Pink 4-wheeler and that my husband bought it for me
*88 My favorite color will always be pink
*89 I hate putting gas in my car
*90 I love going to Walmart
*91 I love to read church books
*92 Sometimes I think blogs cause problems when people vent instead of talk face to face
*93 Most of the time I love reading my friends blogs
*94 I don't like my space or face book that is why I don't have one
*95 I wish I could keep my car clean
*96 I really don't like to fly that much
*97 I am glad my brother came home from Iraq for the second time alive
*98 I pray for my family everyday
*99 I love my family very much
*100 I love chocolate
*101 I love that I was able to find my Happily Ever After!
*102 Just because someone is nice to you doesn't mean they like you
*103 Just because you are nice to people doesn't mean they will be nice back
*104 I think I am a really good friend to those who I trust
*105 I am who I am you either love me or you don't and most days i don't care which
*106 I love to eat Sushi with "Stoddard" and good friends
*107 I love to go to Tepanyaki and Timbermine and I really don't care how much it cost
*108 I am a daughter of God
*109 I am always impressed how much better my children are than me
*110 Swearing is easy to do but harder to quit
*111 Nothing worth having is easy
*112 You need to be prepared - need I say more
*113 I don't hide my feelings well
*114 I talk a lot and I don't care that I do
*115 My favorite movie is and will always be Gone with the Wind
*116 Only "Stoddard" knows my true feelings about anything
*117 Somedays I wish I never had to leave my house
*118 The Gospel is always true no matter what
*119 I am glad that I have the family that I have
*120 I am not perfect and those who love me don't care
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