Monday, December 1, 2008

It's that time of year again....

Before I start I want it noted that these are not pics from my home I just grabbed them off the Internet. When we all start pulling out all of our Christmas decorations and putting up our tree. In our family we always get new ornaments each year. This was started by my mother and I have carried it on with my kids. When you get married you get to take your box of ornaments with you to put on your own tree. Now when I was a child my mother picked out our ornaments for us and brought it home and told us "here is your new ornament for this year" as a kid I always wanted to pick out my own ornament. Now that I am in charge I have always let my kids pick their own but as the years go by I can see why my mother always picked ours out for us. I will only pick on my boys because my girls seem to have their heads on straight for this whole process and my sons do not! Each year we go on family nite to pick out our ornaments the boys always seem to find the ugliest - most outragest ornaments they can find to put on my tree. This year is no exception I think that they have out done themselves this year they picked out a owl, a rat with clothes and a big hunk of bark with moss growing on it! I even took them to Tia Pan Trading thinking surly there was nothing there that would be that bad -boy was I wrong! I really think that the boys go out of their way to find these horrible ornaments. The girls could see last nite how frustrated I was with the boys choices and Shae said it all with I quote" Just be glad you have girls" and she is right I am so glad I have girls to balance out my outrageous boys!!! All I can say is I can't wait to see how they explain these ornaments to their future wives! LOL I try not to be so OCD about everything but I always am. When I do sit back and think about the boys and their ornaments it is quite funny the stuff they come up with - but I will never tell them that all I can say is I will be glad when I can turn over their box to them!
I do have to say that I love this time of year it is my favorite of all the holidays there is something magical about Christmas for me. I believe in Santa and wishes coming true and getting that one present that you think that is not going to be under the tree. I know that I get all of this from my mother who always made every Holiday special but she always made Christmas at our home the most magical time of year. I hope that my kids grow up and also have magical Christmas memories from me and that they can over look my OCD faults of how I think things should be.


Unknown said...

Their wives probably won't be so nice and will tell them that they are sorry but somehow they lost that box of ornaments. Thats what I would do. Your a great mom for letting them make their own choices. I'm sure it will be beautiful on the tree Very eclectic!

Tina said...

What would do without our Moms? You do know how to put on a Great Christmas! I agree with Brittany you are a great mom!
One day your kids will appreciate all of your sacrifices for them. Just give them time, plus they will learn and live the family motto.
The Stoddard Motto:
"Go Big, or Go Bigger!"

hsmith said...

wow. you should be careful not to impose too much of your OCD on your kids. It is fine that you must have everything your way, but they may just resent you later on. sounds like a fun tradition though.

Grace said...

Of course I remember you! My three years in primary and of course your fabulous cookie exchange. I make those little smokies wrapped in bacon by request for most family functions. Thanx for the tip they are awlays a hit. My blog is up and running again. We've been out of town and settling in our new house. With the holidays behind me I can focus on my blog! Keep in touch. Luvs...