Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I took Mariah and Taylor to the Miley Cyrus Concert tonite and it was super fun! When I say I took them I mean Tony paid for it! LOL We left a little bit after school and went to Noodles n Company to eat dinner and then took off for Salt Lake City. The Concert was at the Delta Center we got there in good time and didn't have to park to far. I bought (Tony paid for) t-shirts and concert programs for the girls. We had good seats in the lower bowl and the Concert was awesome! Miley was sick with the flu and they had to stop the concert at one point right after it started to let her rest but after that she was out there rocking the house! There was not one empty seat in the whole place! She showed a clip of her new movie and she even got on a bike and went up in the air it was great! I had a blast with Taylor and Mariah and they loved it! Thanks for looking-kimber
Monday, September 28, 2009
Homecoming 2009
These are the pictures we took of Shae with her homecoming date! She had a great time and she looked great! It was a little sad her mom was out of town so she didn't get to see her in person so we took tons of pictures. This is the last Homecoming she will go to cause she is a senior this year. I hope you enjoy looking at the pics! kimber
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Back to School Time at the Stoddard Home!
Well Sorry it has taken me so long to post this but with school and life I have just been soo busy! As you can see my kids are getting big! And we will have so many changes in our home this next year, Shae will graduate from High School, Taylor and Austin will both be driving, Trevor will go to high school next year, Teran will be in 9th grade and Mariah will go into 6th. It seems like yesterday that I was standing in Taylor's 1st grade class crying cause she was a big kid and now I have 6 kids and they all seem to be growing up so fast! I wish I could freeze time and make them stay little but I know that is not how life works! I feel like by the end of this school year all of our lives will change forever with Shae graduating and going to college our family will never be the same again. It is exciting and sad all at the same time. I look around at all my friends who all have little kids and wish for that time back, so to all of my friends treasure each moment you have cause it goes by sooo fast and in the end they all grow up to be teenagers! lol
Friday, July 17, 2009
We R Busy at the STODDARD HOUSE!!!
Just thought I would show you what we have been doing most of the summer! This is the summer of the yard and getting it in shape. The pics of the curbing being done was really done last summer but everything else you see is of this summer. Tony says I am the slave master cause this is all I talk about is when are more rocks bieng delivered, when are we buying more bushes, when are we buying more stones, and when are we finishing the pond! I just want everything done by winter so next summer we can move on to something else like I don't know a kitchen remodel!!! I know none of you have heard me talk about that! lol I have been really a slacker about blogging this summer and hopefully I will get back on the band wagon and get things coming I will keep you posted as we progress with the front and back yard! Thanks for looking!
Friday, May 1, 2009
"Sealing" the Deal!
What a great day! It was a loooong time coming! We got luckly and got sealed on the only saturday in March that it was actually sunny and semi-warm weather! I just wanted to say thanks to all of our family and friends who traveled so far to be with us that day. Some of them came long distances like Amber & Jeff - Thanks for keeping your promoise to be with us it means so much to us that you came! You really find out who your true friends are when you ask them to come be with you when you get sealed and then tell them you are doing it in Manti three hours away! Thanks for giving up time with your family and a whole saturday to be with our family! This is a day that our family will never forget! I just would like to share a little side note about the day - When we got to the temple and were done with photos and went in to fill out paperwork and such they took Tony and I to different rooms for a little bit while I was sitting in the room by meself I said a little prayer about how greatful I was that we had finally made it here- then I said to myself how I wished Brittany was here with me to help me get dressed and such but I knew that I would not see her until we were in the sealing room and it made me kind of sad. Just then they brought Tony in the room I was in and started to take us to the dressing rooms just as they opened the door there stood Jeremy & Brittany Strong! The escort asked me is she your friend? I said YES! she is! Then the escort said then she can come with you and help you! Heavenly Father answers prayers even if it is just for your friend to be with you. Brittany got to help me get dressed and stay with me until it was time to go meet back with Tony - I don't know if she realizes how much that meant to me to have her there with me and how special it was to me to have my dear friend with me to help me during such a special and sacred time. Thanks for being such a good friend to me Brittany you tell it to me like it is when I am out of line without being judgemental and mean and you back me up when you think I am in the right! You and Jeremy have become our best friends and we love being with your family and I look forward to many more years of friendship and putting up with our "crazy" husbands! LOL I just wanted to share that little story with everyone and to once again tell everyone how grateful we are to have such great friends and family that support us!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Draper Temple

So we went to the Draper Temple this last Friday with our whole family. It was a great experience to have with the whole family. I was a little concerned cause I had heard conflicting reports to how long we would have to wait in line, and our time wasn't until 7:40pm on Friday nite. When we got down there we got great parking at the church and walked right in to the gym and sat down once there we realized we had sat in the line that had already seen the video but we decided not to move cause we all knew why we had temples and what they are for. We only waited for 10 mins and then we got loaded on a bus. Once at the temple we walked right up and into the temple there was no waiting! It was great to be able to walk through and answer questions that the kids had. The highlight moment for me and for anyone else who has gone of course was to be able to stand in the celestial room with our whole family.
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